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 Floodlighting LED luminaire, 500W, 6,7500lm, Samsunng SMD LED chip, 45°, 5,000K, black IP65 (490)
Gross price: 403597.11 HUF
VAT rate: 27%
Package unit: 1 Darab

Floodlighting LED luminaire, 500W, 6,7500lm, Samsunng SMD LED chip, 45°, 5,000K, black IP65 (490)

Article ID: 1-29-17-0213
Billing name: LED reflektor, 500W, 67500lm, 45°, 5000K, Samsung-chip, fekete, IP65, (VT-500D)
Manufacturer: V-TAC Europe Ltd.
Catalog foreign Catalog foreign


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